Shropshire Council

Developer Contributions

The Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was formally adopted by Shropshire Council on 13 July 2011 and is available to view via the link on this webpage.

The SPD is part of the Council’s commitment to ensuring infrastructure is delivered alongside new development. It provides additional guidance for the application of policies in the adopted Development Plan for Shropshire and is important in ensuring that the appropriate mechanisms are in place for development to make contributions to local infrastructure.

Shropshire Place Plans

The Developer Contributions SPD highlights the importance of the Shropshire Place Plans in detailing the infrastructure requirements and investment priorities for each locality in Shropshire. The Place Plans provide a framework for coordinating actions and resources between service delivery bodies and provide a basis for developer contributions.

The Place Plans are ‘live documents’ which will be updated on a rolling basis as required in order to reflect changing infrastructure needs in Shropshire. Town and Parish Council’s are able to nominate projects for inclusion within the Place Plans on an ongoing basis.

On the 13 March 2024 Shropshire Council’s Cabinet resolved that further incremental updates to the Place Plans ahead of any future full review is delegated to the Assistant Director of Economy and Place, in consultation with the Internal Infrastructure Group (IIG) and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services.

Further information is available on the Place Plan webpages. A link to which is provided in the ‘related information’ section.