Shropshire Council

Understanding your brain

The teenage years can be an exciting time with lots of fun with your friends and family. But they can also be a confusing and frustrating time. Have you noticed changes in your behaviour? Do you sleep more than you used to? One of the reasons for this is that there are lots of changes happening in your brain. This also makes teenagers very creative and more open-minded.

If you want to find out more about what is happening in your brain and be able to talk to your friends and parents about some of the things then why not try out this free online course.

You can sign up and enter the code Darwin18 and start any time you would like. You can complete the course whenever it suits you.

If you like this course then why not ask your parents to do the ‘Understanding your teenagers brain’ course.

This online course is brand new and we would love to get some feedback and your views on this course so we can improve it. We would appreciate if could complete a short (less than 5 minutes) online evaluation. It is completely anonymous and none of your details will be accessible to us.

For technical support, please contact or 0121 296 4448.