Shropshire Council


All food businesses must ensure that all food handlers receive the appropriate level of supervision, instruction and training in order for them to handle food safely. We recommend that all food handlers undertake at least a level 2 food hygiene course. We offer you several options to make your sure staff are trained to an appropriate level.

Online courses

With our partners at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX we're offering online courses for you and all of your staff. Training for the level 2 food hygiene course can be found here...

 (New online course. Probably to provide simple links  - this needs to be very easy for the public to find and link through to. Hosted by an existing online training provider. )

To cover existing taught courses ? maybe pay and book online? Without the payment at this stage as it works like ‘cashback’. )

Day courses

We offer regular RSPH level 2 food hygiene courses. The course provides:

  • An introduction to food safety and law
  • Microbiological hazards
  • Contamination hazards and control
  • Food poisoning
  • Food safety management
  • Personal hygiene
  • Food premises and equipment
  • Food pests and control
  • Cleaning and disinfection

The course lasts a whole day (from 9am to 5pm) and involves presentation, informative DVDs and interactive sessions. There's an assessment at the end of the day to test your knowledge.

To book your place..

Same as existing process details (Ring Customer Resolution Team) unless there is possibility to add online booking.

Training sessions for businesses

Do you have a large number of staff? Do you have a department that needs training on food hygiene?

We're offering the opportunity to book a course exclusively for your business. Whether you want to bring your staff to our meeting room or for our officers to visit your place of work, we can offer training to a team of staff rather than individuals. For a quotation or further details please contact…….