Shropshire Council

Future Oswestry Plan

Created by the Future Oswestry Group, the Future Oswestry Plan is a conceptual vision for Oswestry and has been designed to drive aspirations and look ahead at the long-term ambitions for the town. Drawing upon comprehensive research, previous studies, and through discussions and consultation with stakeholders, the plan outlines key projects and priorities to make enhancements across the town for residents, business, and visitors.  

Development and consultation – you said we did  

The draft document developed through initial engagement with local stakeholders, businesses, and residents was tested through engagement activities and a survey which ran for six weeks from 9 February to 24 March 2022. You can find out more about the engagement process by visiting the Get involved section of the council’s website. 

The drop-in sessions and survey sought to gauge how people felt about the vision and the opportunities for each of the focus areas identified. The sessions also determined what priorities and ideas were most important to local people. The key results of these have been added within the Future Oswestry Plan and a summary of the consultation results produced. The feedback obtained through the survey has been very valuable and will support the work of the Future Oswestry Group in making better informed investment decisions through the prioritisation and targeting of resources.  

Next steps 

The outcomes of the consultation have been analysed and discussed in full by the Future Oswestry Group to determine the next steps. There was overall support for the vision for Future Oswestry, and the feedback from the surveys has been critical in making better informed investment decisions. The next steps now will be to develop a clearer prioritisation of the proposals, and to develop projects for each of the four main locations, which are: 

  • Castle Quarter
  • Church Street Quarter
  • Cambrian Gateway
  • Mile End Area



Stage 1 - Work is now focused on producing a Delivery Plan, for the main projects identified in the 4 key locations across the town. Working in collaboration; the Future Oswestry Group are identifying schemes within the plan that will be suitable for immediate or short term commencement, whereas others will require a medium to long term aspirational approach dictated by need, market influences and future growth. Timescales for developing some of the more ambitious ideas could extend and potentially evolve over the next 15 years. The Projects will also be linked to the key vision for the town, in creating a better place to live, to do business and a sustainable and healthy town  

Stage 2 - For each project identified for progression, a project plan will be required. This will include details of what is required to deliver the project including securing funding, attraction of market interest, timescales for delivery and links to the vision for Oswestry. Funding is essential to implement the projects that will deliver the Future Oswestry Plan and can be derived from a variety of sources including public sector and private sector investments  

Stage 3 - Each project will then be critically assessed, through a range of tools such as a detailed viability appraisal to ensure that plans and proposals can be delivered to scale and budget in the identified timescales.  

Stage 4 - Further engagement with the wider community and/or key stakeholders will follow as the vision and ambitions develop into clearer proposals, providing opportunities for people to have their say and influence developments as the vision is followed and the ideas move forward. 

In addition, the Future Oswestry Group is planning further public engagement activities for 2023 on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) priorities and proposed schemes, design work for potential public realm schemes and updates on the Future Oswestry priorities. 

Artist's impression of Bailey Head

Oswestry Future Survey Report 2020

Artist's impression of Festival Square

Future Oswestry Plan Engagement Comments 2021

Draft Future Oswestry Plan Consultation Results 2022.jpg

Draft Future Oswestry Plan Consultation Results 2022