Shropshire Council

School admission arrangements 2021/22

  • Period: 11 December 2019 - 24 January 2020
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Education
  • Type: Public

Shropshire Council is conducting a consultation exercise on school admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools in Shropshire for 2021/22.

The Council is simultaneously co-ordinating a consultation exercise for own admission authority schools whose governing bodies are responsible for setting their admission arrangements and who wish to make changes.

We wish to give notification that the consultation will begin on Wednesday 11 December for a period in excess of 6 weeks up until 24 January 2020. The proposed admission arrangements are laid out in the attached documents.

The only proposed change to Shropshire Council’s arrangements is a reduction in the published admission number (PAN) for St. Lawrence CE Primary School in Church Stretton from 36 to 34.

The following own admission authority schools have also proposed changes:

View the full details for Shropshire Council admission arrangements 2021.


Comments on any of the proposals should be sent in writing to arrive by 24 January 2020 to:

Admissions Team
Learning & Skills
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
Shrewsbury SY2 6ND

Or by e-mail to:

Any comments received will be considered by the appropriate admissions authority. 

Admission arrangements will then be considered for approval and determined before 1 March 2020.

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