Shropshire Council

Shropshire's profile

  • Shropshire's population rose from 306,100 in 2011 to 323,600 in 2021, an increase of 5.7%. This is 1,700 lower than the Office for National Statistics mid-year estimates 2020
  • Nationally (England) the population was 56,489,800 an increase of 6.6% since 2011, when the population was 53,122,500 for England
  • The population density in Shropshire was 1.01 persons per hectare (101 persons per square kilometre) compared to 4.34 in England as a whole (434 per square kilometre)
  • The female population was 163,900
  • The male population was 159,700
  • The number of older people living in Shropshire over the age 65 was 82,000. This rose from 63,300 in 2011
  • The number of people over the age of 65 accounts for 25.3% of the total population in Shropshire compared to 20.7% in 2011. In England this figure is 18.4%
  • The number of people aged 85 and over increased from 8,400 in 2011 to 10,800 in 2021
  • The average age in Shropshire was 48 in 2021, compared to 40 in England as a whole
  • The number of children under 15 years living in Shropshire was 48,000. This has fallen since 2011 from 49,200
  • There were 139,600 households in Shropshire in 2021, compared to 129,700 in 2011, an increase of 9,900 approximately 7.6% compared to a 6.2% increase in England
  • 5.9% of people living in Shropshire in 2021 were born outside the UK, compared to 17.4% nationally. That Shropshire figure was an increase of 33% on the 2011 figure
  • 49.4% of people 16 or over living in Shropshire in 2021 were married or in a civil partnership, compared to 44.7% nationally

Percentage of households occupied by people aged 66 and over by type

  Shropshire England
Single family household 20.7% 14.5%
One-person household 51.8% 42.6%
Other household types 57.2% 61.1%

Shropshire household size

  2011 census 2021 census
One person in household 28.9% 29.7%
Two people in household 38.1% 39.2%
Three people in household 14.7% 14.5%
Four or more people in household 15.6% 16.7%

Please note all percentage changes are approximate as based on rounded figures.