Autism, MCA and the right to make choices with support

Aims to: Support learners to view the Mental Capacity Act through the ‘autistic lens’

Learning objectives:

  • Explore differences in autistic processing and the impact on supported decisions, unwise decisions, best interests
  • Consider the differences in communication and barriers this may present if not altered effectively to meet the autistic individuals needs
  • Examine the risks that could occur if we purely view capacity decisions from a predominant neuro typical view
  • Gain an awareness of masking within the context of decision making. Including the potential to leave the individual at risk
  • Discuss methods to support the individual with decision making with reasonable adjustments to meet differential processing styles
  • Consider good support/ scaffolding for decisions and experiential thinking
  • Examine our practice and justify rationale for our actions

Audience: Individuals working with or supporting adults on the autism spectrum and requiring a knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act within a health or care setting. *Open to FC