
Some of the terms used on these webpages are presented in alphabetical order here...

Annual monitoring form (AMF)

A short document that must be filled in by town and parish councils each year, to show how any CIL Neighbourhood Fund received has been spent.

Annual Infrastructure and Investment Fund (AIIF)

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

This is a UK government scheme which places a charge on new development. The charge is made per square metre on developments over 100 sqm.

The purpose of CIL is to contribute towards the cost of any additional infrastructure that is needed as a result of development. Not all authorities charge CIL, as it isn't compulsory to do so.

We charge CIL on residential developments only. We collect all CIL money for the county, and then allocate it in various ways.

CIL liable

Any development which must make a CIL payment. Some developments – for example, self-build homes – are CIL exempt.

CIL Local

This is a large proportion of the CIL monies collected, some of which can be allocated to ‘local’ projects. However, CIL Local will also be used to deliver statutory (legally required) or strategic (of countywide importance) projects.

Statutory and strategic projects have precedence for CIL Local funds, even though they may not be perceived as ‘local’. This has been our policy since 2011.

CIL Neighbourhood Fund

A proportion of the CIL monies collected, which is passed directly to the town or parish council in which the CIL-liable development occurred. Payment is made from us directly to the relevant town or parish council in April each year, at the same time as the precept payment.

CIL Strategic

A small proportion of the CIL monies collected, which can be allocated to strategic (of county-wide importance) projects.

Core Strategy

A statutory planning document that sets out the strategic planning policy for the county of Shropshire.

Critical infrastructure

Infrastructure which will unlock development, such as improvements to drainage which will allow significant housing and business premises development to come forward. In the refreshed 2019/20 place plans, this is now known as priority A infrastructure.

Delegated authority

This is a formal agreement, outlined in our constitution, which enables council officers to make decisions on behalf of our elected members, in line with agreed policies.

In the case of CIL, authority is delegated to the director of Place, with onward delegation to officers. This allows a group of officers, representing different functions of the council, to come together and make recommendations about CIL expressions of interest (EoIs), based on the policies agreed by elected members. The director of Place has the final decision as the officer with delegated authority.

Expression of interest (EoI)

This is a form that town and parish councils (and other appropriate organisations) can fill in to request CIL Local funds for a specific infrastructure project. The purpose of the EoI form is to check the eligibility of, and the need for, the project in question.

Exacom project management system

Exacom is a financial record keeping system – also known as a project management system or PMS – that keeps track of CIL payments coming in to the council.


This is the rural area that surrounds key market towns and villages.

Internal Infrastructure Group (IIG)

This is a group of council officers who meet together to take decisions, including decisions about the content of the place plans, and to make recommendations, including recommendations regarding CIL expressions of interest.

The following council functions are represented on the IIG: finance; legal; planning policy; highways; education; broadband/ICT; outdoor partnerships; property; development management; economic growth.


Infrastructure means the support systems and services that help an economy to function.

Examples of infrastructure include transport, highways, education facilities, broadband, drainage system, green spaces, flood defences, water supply and treatment, power supply, footpaths and cycle ways, leisure facilities, medical facilities, etc.

Key infrastructure

Projects which will support, and are important to, an individual community. Examples include playgrounds, traffic calming measures, village hall car parks, street lighting, etc. In the place plans these are known as neighbourhood projects.

Local Development Scheme (LDS) / Local Development Framework (LDF)

This is the ‘project plan’ that identifies the documents we'll prepare as part of the development and review of the Local Plan.

Local Plan (LP)

The draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) represents an advanced and fully formed version of the Local Plan. It identifies a vision and framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038; addresses needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure; and seeks to safeguard the environment, enable adaptation to climate change and help to secure high-quality and accessible design.

Local Plan Review (LPR)

We're required, like all local planning authorities, to keep under review any matters that may affect the development of its area. We're therefore undertaking a Local Plan Review in order to consider updated information, reflect changes to national policy and local strategies, extend the plan period to 2038, and provide a plan which will help to support growth and maintain local control over planning decisions up to 2038.

The review will focus on key areas of change, including options for the level and distribution of new housing, and strategies for employment growth during the period to 2038. The existing Core Strategy and SAMDev Plan will remain in force until any new plan is adopted. This is anticipated to occur during 2024-25.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

This document sets out the UK government’s planning policies for England, and how these should be applied.

Neighbourhood plans

Neighbourhood planning was introduced under the Localism Act (2011), to give members of the community a more ‘hands on’ role in the planning of their neighbourhoods. It enables communities to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and deliver the sustainable development they need through planning policies relating to the development and use of land.

Place plan

An infrastructure plan relating to a specific geographical area, usually a town and its rural hinterland. There are 18 place plan areas in Shropshire.

Place plan area

A place plan area encompasses a main centre (often a key market town) and its surrounding smaller towns, villages and rural hinterland. There are 18 place plan areas in Shropshire. Place plan areas are recognised in the Local Plan as functioning geographical areas.

Place plan officers (PPOs)

The Place Plan Officer Team helps to develop the 18 place plans, as well as working on other projects connected to infrastructure projects in Shropshire, and works both with Shropshire Council departments and external providers.

Priority A

This is infrastructure which will unlock development. These are usually projects which will be led by us and/or our strategic infrastructure delivery partners, such as utilities companies, the Environment Agency, Highways England, broadband providers, etc.

These projects are sometimes also legally required (ie we have a statutory duty to provide this infrastructure) or may be strategically important (ie essential for the good of the county as a whole). Examples include infrastructure improvements to the main highways network.

Priority B

This is infrastructure which will support development in a number of ways and/or a number of locations. These projects will often be required across numerous locations in the place plan area, or will impact widely in the place plan area as a whole. Examples include infrastructure such as broadband connectivity.

Priority infrastructure

Infrastructure which will support development in a number of ways, for example, improvements to broadband connectivity. In the refreshed 2019/20 place plans, this is known as priority B infrastructure.

Project sign-off form

A document that must be filled in by town and parish councils when they complete a project that has used CIL Local funds.

Section 106 Agreements (S106)

This is a formal agreement which makes a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, when it might otherwise have been refused. S106 agreements are focused on specific sites, and aim to tackle the impacts of the development. S106 agreements are sometimes referred to as 'developer contributions' or ‘planning obligations’.

The common uses of S106 agreements are to secure affordable housing, to specify the type and timing of this housing, and to secure financial contributions to provide infrastructure or affordable housing. S106 agreements can also be used in other ways – eg to restrict the development or use of land in any specified way, or to require a sum of money to be paid to the planning authority.

Shropshire Strategic Infrastructure and Investment Plan (SIIP)

This document identifies, prioritises and aligns the investment plans for strategic infrastructure providers in Shropshire, in order to provide an integrated approach and shared view of where investment and delivery is most needed to unlock Shropshire’s potential. As such, it supports delivery of both the Shropshire Development Plan and Economic Growth Strategy.

The SIIP includes priority A and priority B projects identified in the place plan, alongside other strategic infrastructure priorities identified through Shropshire’s Strategic Infrastructure and Investment Network (SIIN) (which facilitates proactive engagement with organisations responsible for the planning, managing and delivery of strategic infrastructure).

Statutory infrastructure

Infrastructure required in order to fulfil our statutory functions. This is infrastructure that w're required to provide by law. An example of statutory infrastructure is provision of school places.

Strategic infrastructure

Infrastructure which is vital for Shropshire, and has county-wide importance. An example of strategic infrastructure is Churncote roundabout on the A5 to the west of Shrewsbury, as improvements here will have an impact across the county.

Strategic Infrastructure Network (SIN)

This is a group of infrastructure providers from outside of the council who come together to discuss infrastructure needs in Shropshire. The SIF includes representatives from utility companies, broadband and communications companies, Highways England, the Environment Agency, Network Rail, the local clinical commissioning group / National Health Service, University Centre Shrewsbury, etc.

Strategic Infrastructure and Investment Plan (SIIP)

This document identifies, prioritises and aligns the investment plans for strategic infrastructure providers in Shropshire, in order to provide an integrated approach and shared view of where investment and delivery is most needed to unlock Shropshire’s potential.

Technical check form

If we support a CIL EoI, the project must then progress through a technical check. This involves checking VAT status, responsibility for the project, contingency funds and plans, State Aid status, procurement processes etc. We must carry out these technical checks in order to comply with UK government regulations around CIL.