Shropshire Council

Core submission documents

Core Submission Documents are available to view below. These documents include the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038), the draft Policies and Inset Maps, the supporting assessments (including Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and the Equality and Social Inclusion Impact Assessment), other Regulation 19 Consultation Material, and a copy of the SAMDev Plan (parts of which are proposed to be saved).

Representations in response to the Regulation 19: pre-submission consultation

For the representations received (under Regulation 20) in response to the Regulation 19: Pre-Submission Consultation and a summary of these representations, which are also Core Submission Documents, take a look at our 'Representations in Response to the Regulation 19: Pre-Submission Consultation' page.

Core submission documents