Shropshire Council

Screening in pregnancy

You will be offered some screening tests during pregnancy to try to find any health problems that could affect you or your baby, such as infectious diseases, inherited conditions, Down's syndrome, or physical abnormalities.

More details of screening tests in pregnancy can be found on the NHS Choices website.

The tests can help you make choices about care or treatment during your pregnancy or after your baby is born. All screening tests offered by the NHS are free.

Screening tests are used to find people at higher risk of a health problem. This means they can get earlier, potentially more effective, treatment or make informed decisions about their health.

The screening tests offered during pregnancy are either ultrasound scans or blood tests, or a combination of both.

Ultrasound scans may detect physical abnormalities, such as spina bifida. Blood tests can help find the risk of inherited disorders such as sickle cell anaemia. Blood tests combined with scans can help find the risk of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down's syndrome.