Reviewing place plans

Future reviews

To date, Shropshire Council place plans have been based on an annual review, and consultation with partners and town and parish councillors. In light of current resource constraints we'll now update the place plans on a rolling basis. This means the plans are 'live' documents, which can be updated as required in order to reflect changing infrastructure needs in Shropshire. Town and parish councils will be able to nominate projects for inclusion on an ongoing basis.

The local community wishes to remove, update, or add a priority A or priority B project

The town or parish council submits the relevant information to the place plan team. This can be done via email, conversation or for a new project via an online nomination form.

For Shropshire Council infrastructure projects the Internal Infrastructure Group (IIG) will consider the information, and agree any amendments that need to be made to the plan.

For external infrastructure projects the Strategic Infrastructure Network (SIN) will consider the information, and agree any amendments that need to be made to the plan.

The Place Plan Team will feed back the results of the discussions to the town or parish council, and the final form of the amendment will be agreed. They'll also make the changes to the place plan.

The local community wishes to remove, update, or add a neighbourhood project

The town or parish council submits the relevant information to the Place Plan Team via the online form. This officer will consult with internal and external partners to ensure that there are no reasons why the project shouldn't be included, and will make the required changes to the place plan.

Shropshire Council or an external infrastructure provider wishes to remove, update, or add a priority A or priority B project

The Place Plan Team will contact all town and parish councils in the place plan area to discuss any proposed amendments to A and B projects. Once any amendments have been discussed and agreed, that officer will make the required changes to the plan.

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