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Agenda item

Update on the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Area Inspection

To receive a report from the Director of Children’s Services, Interim Acting Chief Executive. [Report attached, Appendix A to follow]


Contact:  Karen Bradshaw  Tel 01743 254201




The Acting Interim Chief Executive, Director of Children’s Services presented her report and introduced Claire Parker, Director of Partnerships, NHS Shropshire CCQ and NHS Telford and Wrekin CCQ, and Zara Bowden, Chair of the Parent and Carers Council [PACC] who were in attendance. Members noted the significant areas of strength identified by the Inspectors during the recent Joint SEND CQC and Ofsted Inspection, as well as the areas identified for improvement.  In response to a Member’s observation, she confirmed that joint working between the Council and local stakeholders had undergone significant recent improvement and that the appointment of Claire Parker as SEND Health Lead, had further strengthened the strategic and operational aspects of the working relationship.  This was endorsed by Ms Parker.


Members attention was drawn to section 5.6 of the report where areas of improvement were identified.  The Director of Children’s Services confirmed that Officers were aware of these areas prior to the inspection and work had already started to address the issues raised.  The Inspectors had identified a lack of robustness and the need to improve methods of measuring outcomes in the Action Plan and a Written Statement of Action [WSoA] had been requested.  The WSoA was in the process of being redrafted and Ofsted had agreed with the Local Authority and the CCG that it would be published on the 25th September 2020. 


In response to a Member’s question the Director of Children’s Services confirmed that the Action Plan would be considered by the People Overview Committee after PACC, Ofsted and the CQC and had had the opportunity to make comment. The People Scrutiny Committee would have oversight of the delivery of the Action Plan once agreed with the CCG and PACC. 


Referring Members to section 5.9.1 of the report which set out the six key findings of the Inspection, Ms Parker observed that the inspection had occurred before the outbreak and limitations of the Covid-19 Pandemic which had significantly changed working practices due to the restrictions and the need to adopt new technology.  She cited the example of the Speech and Language Therapy [SaLT] Service which at the time of the Inspection had long waiting lists.  Processes had been reassessed and the backlog had been significantly reduced.


Members noted that Shropshire had higher levels of school exclusions for children with special education needs than many other local authority areas.  The Director of Children’s Services explained that this was a complicated area and no one factor could be identified as the cause of this.  She continued that a whole system approach was required to support schools.  The Team Manager, Education Access Services explained that due to the Covid-19 crisis it was difficult to currently assess the effectiveness of the support provided. Ms Bowden added that the issue was not only about the inclusivity of schools but crossed over into many other areas of health provision and wrap around services and welcomed the improved relationships between education and health services. 


The Director of Children’s Services advised that the governance arrangements for overseeing joint working were under review as part of the Action Plan.  It was anticipated that the current 0-25 oversight board would be replaced with a smaller more strategic oversight group, which would tie in more closely with the overview and scrutiny arrangements for the CCG and Local Authority. The importance of hearing the voice of parents and carers had also been recognised and it was anticipated that a parent/carer champion would be appointed to each SEND forum.


In response to a Member’s question, Ms Bowden confirmed that PACC were satisfied with the areas addressed by the report, she noted that while some areas could have been more critical but other areas were reflected more poorly than expected.  She continued that Post 16 transitional education or movement to adult services were of concern but these concerns were being picked up in the Action Plan and featured in discussions with regional leads.  


The Director of Children’s Services confirmed that CAHMS would be included in the Action Plan.  The Director of Partnerships, CCQ, added that it was acknowledged that CAHMS needed work and development to support all children and young people through mental health services and behavioural support services.


In response to a Member’s observations regarding the historic relationships between stakeholders, the Director of Children’s Services acknowledged that the issues raised regarding engagement of the Health and Wellbeing Board representatives would be addressed through the examination of the governance mechanisms.  She expressed commitment to addressing blockages and barriers to drive forward the necessary improvements to the service.


In response to a Member’s question, the Director of Partnerships, CCG, acknowledged previous poor performance of the CCG but reassured Members of her determination to improve SEND in Shropshire, recognised through the Statement of Intent.  She continued that it was important to now move forward.


The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services welcomed the inspection as an opportunity for all parties to come together and improve partnership working.   He supported the importance of good relationships with the Health and Wellbeing Board and welcomed the positive attitude of the CCG and the opportunities this presented to work with partners in a constructive way.


The Director of Children’s Services acknowledged a Member’s observation about the possibility of increased waiting times to access services caused by the Covid-19 crisis.  She agreed that this was going to be a challenge that all public services would encounter, but new ways of working and interfacing were being developed and would become part of the new normal.  She added that it was still too early to fully understand the medium and long term impact of the crisis. The Director of Partnerships, CCG, added that re-instating health services suspended during the crisis was a hugely complicated process.  She continued that the rapid move to digital solutions had been a positive outcome.  Members noted that a return to the operating methods pre-covid was now highly unlikely.


In response to the Chairman’s request for closing comments, Ms Bowden explained that from a parent/carer’s perspective the biggest barrier with joint partnership working was the different layers of bureaucracy when different organisations tried to work together and conflicts these caused.  She continued that joint working and commissioning were an essential part of the process and she welcomed the commitment to improve working relationships and continued that an improved voice for parents/carers through being invited to participate in the work of scrutiny committees was also a positive step forward. She observed that national agendas would assist with local issues, an example of this was the covid-19 response.  She welcomed the commitment to finding ways of engaging young people directly without the need for parents to talk for them.


In response to a Members concern about children’s return to school in September the Director of Children’s Services confirmed that schools were aware that there would be issues with children transitioning to full time education.  Work had begun with schools to ensure that they were prepared for the problems they may encounter.




i)     That the GGC be thanked for attending;

ii)    That the contents of the report and actions identified be noted;


iii)   That the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee add the issues raised with regard to health to their work programme

iv)   That the People Overview Committee will monitor the implementation of SEND within Shropshire;

v)    That the date for publication of WSoA be noted as 25th September 2020; and

vi)   That both Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services and the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services and Climate Change be appointed as champions for SEND.



The meeting was adjourned at 12.26pm and resumed at 12.38pm.




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