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Agenda item

Adult Social Care Reforms: Market Position Statement

To receive a report sharing the role and purpose of the Market Position Statement and an outline of the emerging intentions.


Presented by Laura Tyler, Head of Housing, Resettlement & Independent Living and Natalie McFall, Assistant Director – Adult Social Care and Housing.(Report to follow)



Laura Tyler, Assistant Director – Joint Commissioning and Deborah Webster, Service Manager Commissioning & Governance, gave a presentation on the Market Position Statement (MPS) for social care for all ages. This was an important document that will signal opportunities within the care and support market of Shropshire by identifying the future demand for care and support to ensure needs can be met now and in the future. A copy of the presentation would be circulated following the meeting.


Members noted the significant increase in costs in care provision as well as workforce pressures.


Members were asked to consider the role of the council, whether the council should buy or commission services, whether resources were being targeted in the right place and what else can the council do to support market development and sustainability.


It was noted that, subject to Cabinet approval, the new MPS would be implemented in April 2023


Members felt that the mapping contained within the presentation showing the places with the highest older populations was quite dramatic when presented in this way; demonstrating the areas in the county which required more focus to ensure needs were being met.


Members expressed concerns regarding rurality in terms of service delivery, including care provision and broadband. It was confirmed that the MPS had a place-based approach and therefore the team were working closely with colleagues in Health and the broadband team to ensure a collaborative response.


A request for a map detailing areas experiencing the shortages of care workers that could be considered alongside the populations maps was made.


Members noted the differing types of support available, such as care in the community. One scheme was “two carers in a car”, however it was felt that this was less feasible in more rural areas due to distance and related time between visits.


Members were advised that despite national workforce pressures, the Council were expanding their in-house care team alongside partners across the county. It was suggested that a Hub be set up in partnership with the University of Chester to train carers and shape the market. This suggestion was acknowledged and members were further advised that the Council had already partnered with the University of Chester and had 15 local apprentices graduating next February; 14 of which had confirmed their intention to work for the council. It was further noted that a retainment payment was available after 2 years of service.


Funding had been made available for work experience placements and further funding options were being looked into, including options for recruiting from overseas. Members felt that it was important that there were opportunities for career progression. It was also suggested that, by partnering with local care homes, these could act as hubs where an outreach team could be based to deliver care in the community. This could involve working alongside the planning team to ensure that care can be delivered in rural areas.


Members requested that the transition between child and adult care should be another focus and that this should be brought back to a future scrutiny meeting.


Members noted the report in the context of the current challenges and opportunities identified; the role of the council within the market; and the allocation of resources to inform the development of the MPS and future commissioning intentions.

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