Cecilia Motley
Title: Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Public Health
Party: Conservative
Division: Corvedale
More information about this councillor
Contact information
Correspondence address:
c/o Members Secretariat
Abbey Foregate
Email: cecilia.motley@shropshire.gov.uk
Mobile: 07890055151
Download Cecilia Motley contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Cabinet
- Council
- Health and Wellbeing Board (Co-Chair)Shropshire Council - Corvedale
- Shropshire Hills National Landscape Partnership. (Vice Chairman)Shropshire Council
- Shropshire's Great Outdoors Strategy BoardShropshire Council
- Southern Planning Committee (Substitute)
Terms of Office
- 08/06/2009 - 05/05/2013
- 06/05/2013 - 08/05/2017
Appointments to outside bodies
- Community Rail Partnership for the Heart of Wales Line Steering GroupShropshire Council - Corvedale
- County Council Network (CCN)Shropshire Council - Corvedale
- Local Government Association – General AssemblyShropshire Council - Corvedale
- Railway Liaison Group - Shrewsbury/Aberystwyth Railway Line Liaison CommitteeShropshire Council - Corvedale
- Shrewsbury and District Arts Association - Council of the ArtsShropshire Council - Corvedale
- Shrewsbury School Governing BodyShropshire Council - Corvedale
- Shropshire Playing Fields AssociationShropshire Council - Corvedale
- The Chester Shrewsbury Rail PartnershipShropshire Council - Corvedale