Shropshire Council

6 Month Review of the Accelerated Progress Plan

23 January 2024 Last updated at 12:09

Following the Local Area SEND Inspection an Accelerated Progress Plan was  developed by the SEND partnership and approved by the Department for Education to show what actions Shropshire Council are taking to improve the three priority areas that still require improvement.

The three areas identified as still needing further improvement are:

  • Significant waiting times for large numbers of children and young people on the ASD and ADHD diagnostic pathways
  • Significant waiting times for those needing assessment and treatment from the speech and language therapy service
  • Inconsistency in the quality of input from education, health and care into EHC assessment and planning

In October 2023, a 6 month review of the Accelerated Progress Plan took place.  This provides details on progress in each of the three areas to action.