Shropshire Council

Person-centred approach

By taking a person-centred approach, we can work together differently through 'co-production', which means moving from ‘them’ and ‘us’ to ‘we’, from ‘yes, but...' to 'yes, how…’

Person-centred approaches empower people and organisations to create positive change. They're about involving young people, children and their parent/carers, and ensuring that they're truly listened to, and are kept at the heart of all decision-making.

In Shropshire we recognise that focusing on what matters to children and young people and their families is fundamental to enabling them to achieve their aspirations, and is a key principal within the SEND Code of Practice 2014.

We aim to embed person-centred approaches into all areas of our practice so that children and young people with SEND are supported to achieve their outcomes and flourish as individuals.

The Person-centred Approaches event

On 15 November 2016 Shropshire launched its Person-centred Approaches training programme. This event focused on sharing the principles of the PCA practices and promoting the benefits of working in a person-centred way.

Preparing for Adulthood presentation

This section was delivered by Pat Bullen, West Midlands regional PFA advisor.

Genuine Partnerships Model – The Rotherham Charter presentation

This section was delivered by:

  • Jayne Fitzgerald, Rotherham Parents Forum Ltd, charity officer, participation and engagement officer, Rotherham Charter co-lead
  • Eva Ogden, Rotherham Charter business support officer
  • Claire Whiting, educational psychologist, area specialist (participation and engagement), Rotherham Charter co-lead

Rotherham Charter principles

Take a look at the principles of the 'Genuine Partnerships Model' adopted in Rotherham.


Person-centred planning in transition and PFA:

Person-centred planning: