Shropshire Council

Register a death

All death registrations have to take place face to face in a registration office with a registrar.

If you suffer a bereavement and need to register a death, please don't go to a hospital, hospice or GP practice to collect the medical certificate stating the cause of death. Your doctor will email this in to Shropshire Registration Service.

Please phone us on 0345 678 9016. You'll be asked for your name and contact details, the name of the deceased, and their date and place of death. These details will be taken and passed to the registration service, and we'll contact you as soon as we're able to proceed with a registration. We will then make an appointment for you to visit one of our offices to register the death.

Your funeral director may mention to you that they need the green form from us. Please be assured that with your agreement we will email this directly to your appointed funeral director. This again will speed things up for you.

The information which the registrar will ask you for to enable them to register the death can be found as a document on this page and we would appreciate it if you would ensure that you are able to provide all of the information necessary for the registration. We recommend that you bring along with you to your appointment any birth certificates, passports, driving licenses or any other document which will confirm spellings and dates.

At the registration we will also register the death into the Department of Work and Pensions Tell us Once system and provide you with the necessary reference number for you to be able to complete the notification of the death to all government departments and local government departments.

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