Public question time
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You elected Shropshire councillors to represent you. Is there anything you want to tell them to influence the decisions they make? One of the ways you can do this is to ask questions of councillors in public question time at the beginning of most council meetings.
For full council meetings there's a 30 minute slot, allocated for public questions, where up to six questions can be asked or a petition presented. There's also a similar opportunity to ask questions at meetings of cabinet, scrutiny committees, the Pensions Committee, the Pensions Board, the Audit Committee, the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Strategic Licencing Committee.
Notice of your question, up to a maximum of 250 words, should be received by 12 noon on the fourth clear working day before the meeting – this will mean by 12 noon, the working day after publication of the agenda. The deadline for submission will always be stated on the agenda for each meeting. At the meeting you will be given opportunity to ask your question, either in person, or via Microsoft Teams and you will receive a verbal response. A copy of the response provided will also be attached to the web page for the meeting.
Please note that there are special arrangements for making representations at regulatory committee meetings on planning applications. The purpose of this is to give members of the public the opportunity to make their views known directly to the committee about the planning merits of individual planning applications. In order to register your intention to make representations on a planning application you must contact Committee Services no later than two full working days before the day of the meeting.
You can put forward your public question online here.
Submit your request online now »Upon receiving your submission we'll contact you and tell you when your question will be considered.