Mental health
How do I ask for help?
You can contact the mental health team direct by calling:
Tel: 01743 255895
Find us at: The Lantern, Meadow Farm Drive, Shrewsbury, SY1 4NG
You may want to talk this over with your GP first, who can arrange a referral if needed, or you can give someone else permission to contact us on your behalf.
You can also arrange to see us at one of our hubs around the county.
What we do
The team provide social care assessment for people with mental health difficulties, as well as:
- Early help
- Signposting to other agencies
- Short term input and goal setting
- Referral to an advocate
- Carers assessment
- Linking you to partner agencies
- Carrying out urgent Mental Health Act assessments
- Assessing eligibility for services
Our aim is to enable you to make changes and develop life skills, not to tell you what to do.
Mental Capacity Act
Information on the Mental Capacity Act, including guiding principles, assessment criteria, and ho...
Shropshire Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service
Information on the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service (IMCA).
Deprivation of liberty safeguards
Deprivation of liberty safeguards - information, definitions, Shropshire Council DoLS forms and h...
Mental Health Social Work Team
Information about the services offered by the Mental Health Social Work Team.
Let's talk mental health hubs
What you can expect if you visit a Mental Health Hub.
Suicide prevention
Find out about our latest suicide prevention campaign.
Social supervision / forensic
Information about restricted service users, service supervisors and the systems they fit into.