Shropshire Council

General election 4 July 2024

A general election was held on Thursday 4 July 2024, with polling stations open from 7am to 10pm.

In Shropshire voters will be voting to elect an MP for the following constituencies: North Shropshire, Shrewsbury, South Shropshire, The Wrekin*. The results for the three constituencies in our region can be found here.

*Please note: Telford and Wrekin Council is responsible for running the election in The Wrekin constituency. Please visit their website for more information.

Boundary changes

Due to boundary changes two constituencies in the Shropshire Council area now have new names, and some people will vote in a different constituency in this election.

The Shrewsbury & Atcham constituency is now called Shrewsbury, and the Ludlow constituency is now called South Shropshire. People living in the Cheswardine and Hodnet electoral divisions move from the North Shropshire constituency to The Wrekin constituency. People living in the Severn Valley and Burnell electoral divisions move from the Shrewsbury constituency to the South Shropshire constituency.

Polling stations

To find your polling station please see your poll card or look it up on

A list of polling stations can also be found on the statement of persons nominated (SOPN) for each constituency.


Registering to vote

To vote in this election you must be registered to vote. If you’re not already, the deadline for registering to vote is midnight on Tuesday 18 June.

To register go to the Gov.UK website.

Voter ID

To vote at a polling station you’ll need an accepted form of photo ID. Voters will need to show original documents - copies or duplicates aren’t accepted. To see what ID is accepted – and to apply for free ID (known as a voter authority certificate) go to The Electoral Commission website.

The deadline to apply for a voter authority certificate (VAC) is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June, but please apply as soon as you can. Please note that if you already have a VAC you don't need to apply for a new one.

Postal votes

The deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday 19 June. To apply for a postal vote go to The Electoral Commision’s postal vote page. Please note that you’re no longer able to simply drop off your completed postal vote pack at Shirehall or at your polling station - you must also complete the appropriate form.

Proxy voting

You can allow someone you trust to vote on your behalf. The deadline for applying for a proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June.

To apply for a proxy vote go to The Electoral Commission’s proxy voting page.

Overseas voter registration

British and eligible Irish citizens living overseas can now register to vote in UK general elections no matter how long ago they left or were last registered. There’s no longer a 15-year limit. They'll be registered at the constituency where they were last registered to vote, or where they lived if they weren't registered.

For more information, go to The Electoral Commission’s overseas voter page.

Assistance for blind and partially sighted

We have a number of recordings for each constituency that explain what assistance is available for blind and partially sighted voters at our polling stations.

Voting for the first time?

This is your chance to vote for the person you want to represent you and your area as your member of parliament (MP). If you’ll be 18 or above on 4 July you’ll be eligible to vote – but there are some important things that you need to know first.

To vote in the general election you must be registered

If you’re not already just go to the Gov.UK website before 11.59pm on 18 June. You’ll need your national insurance number. You don’t need to be 18 to register – you just need to be 18 on the day of the election.

How to vote

Once you’re registered you can vote in person at a polling station, vote by post, or ask someone to vote on your behalf (known as a proxy vote).

Voting at a polling station

You’ll get a poll card in the post that gives the location of your polling station, and you can also look it up on Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on 4 July.

To vote at a polling station you must have an accepted form of photo ID

A passport, driving licence or a PASS-accredited student card are the forms of photo ID most commonly used by people voting for the first time. You can find a full list of approved ID on the Electoral Commission website. If you don’t have an approved form of ID you can apply online for free ID – known as a voter authority certificate (VAC) up to 5pm on 26 June.

When you arrive at the polling station show your ID to the polling station clerk. They’ll confirm your identity, then give you a ballot paper and direct you to a booth, where you can vote for your preferred candidate.

Can’t get to a polling station?

You can instead cast a postal vote or a proxy vote. The deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm on 19 June. The deadline for applying for a proxy vote is 5pm on 26 June.

Notices of election, statements of persons nominated and notices of election agents

Declaration of results