Shropshire Council

Short break services - recommissioning

  • Period: 03 January 2023 - 03 March 2023
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Children's services, Family services
  • Type: Public

We fund a range of short break services for children and young people with a disability or additional needs and their families. 

The aim of short breaks is to enable children to have fun and take part in activities and social opportunities whilst giving parents some time away from their caring responsibilities. Short breaks may be after school, at weekends, during school holidays or overnight. 

  • Early help and targeted short breaks are activities specially designed for children and young people with disabilities. They help children who aren't able to take part in universal activities without additional support. They're provided through the ‘All In’ Programme, which means a child or young person doesn't need a social work assessment to take part, but you do need to be an ‘All In’ member
  • Specialist short breaks are activities for children and young people with the most complex needs, and do require a social work assessment to be able to take part

This survey is about two specific services in Shropshire: 

Residential overnight short breaks

Specialist short breaks at Bradbury House delivered by Action for Children.

Community short breaks 

Specialist short breaks providing after school clubs, Saturday club and outreach support in the community and early help ‘All In’ holiday clubs that operates during each school holiday.  

The contracts for the above services end in March 2024, and we're working with our partners to recommission (plan, design and fund) these services so that the new contracts are in place from April 2024. 

It's important that the new services that we commission reflect the voices of the children, young people and their families who use these services.   

We're inviting parents to help us to shape our future plans and our short breaks offer. We'd very much appreciate it if you could take this opportunity to share your views with us. 

To have your say, just click on the 'How to get involved' tab on this page.

Share your views with us by completing a short survey.

Go to the survey »

If you'd like the survey in an alternative format please use the email below to request a copy, or call our customer services team on 0345 678 9000 and explain any support you need to allow you to respond.

You can also respond with any comments in writing:


Post: Feedback and Insight Team, Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shropshire SY2 6ND.

Data protection

Information collected in our surveys will only be used by us (Shropshire Council) to inform the immediate and future provision of our services. The information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy. It will not be shared outside of Shropshire Council. Information collected via our online surveys (hosted on the Surveymonkey website) will be stored on SurveyMonkey’s servers in the United States of America and SurveyMonkey gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission.