Factsheet 14: As your needs change
Factsheet 14 - PDF version
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If following an assessment of your needs you go on to have a Personal Budget and receive any paid care and support services, it is important to keep us informed of any changes. Changes will be individual to the person but could include:
- An improvement in your circumstances.
- Achieving what you set out to do (your goals and outcomes).
- Having more support from family and friends.
- If you feel that the support is not working for you in a way that you feel is not in your benefit.
- If your needs have increased and as a result, the services
that are in place are not sufficient to meet your needs and
keep you safe.
Once your care and support has been set up, we will aim to carry out a reassessment of your needs within 6-12 weeks depending on your circumstances. If we do not hear from you prior to carrying out a reassessment, then we will assume that everything is working as it should be.
Reviewing what works well and what needs to change
Shropshire Council has a duty to carry out a reassessment for those people with a Personal Budget and it will look at these key questions:
- What is working well for you?
- Is the support you receive enabling you to regain skills for independent living?
- Have your needs changed and do you still have eligible needs?
- Are you able to do something differently in order to achieve more?
- Could some of your needs be met using existing community resources?
- Have the outcomes that were agreed in your care and support plan been achieved and if not, what timescales are we looking at?
- Does your care and support plan need to change?
- Does your Personal Budget need to be amended?
The amount of your Personal Budget may change dependent upon your needs and eligibility for support in Shropshire. Your care and support plan may also need to change dependent on what you have achieved and whether you need to make any changes or amend timescales.
Once changes have been made then you will receive a copy of your care and support plan, and reassessment, which will detail any agreed changes for you to sign and return to the council.