Factsheet 3: Let's Talk Local
Factsheet 3 - PDF version
Print or download a PDF version »This page gives an overview of Let’s Talk Local in Shropshire. Detailed information about other areas of adult social care can be found in our other factsheets. For further information or to request a copy of any factsheet call the First Point of Contact (FPoC) telephone service on 0345 678 9044 or visit our online information and resource directory.
What is Let’s Talk Local?
If it has not been possible to resolve your enquiry online or on the phone, then you will be offered an appointment discuss your queries face to face with a skilled social care practitioner. We call this a ‘Let’s Talk Local’ appointment. The person you initially speak to over the phone will establish whether you need support to be fully involved in any discussions or assessments that are carried out. If this is the case, you will have the opportunity to nominate a suitable person to help you. If you are unable to nominate a suitable person, then the Council can assist you in finding an Independent Advocate to help provide you with the necessary support.
What happens next?
Shortly afterwards, you will receive a letter confirming the details of your Let’s Talk Local appointment, including the date, time and location. These appointments happen in a range of places within local communities throughout Shropshire and we aim to make these appointments welcoming and easy to get to.
Your appointment
During your appointment the practitioner may need to take some notes to supplement the information you’ve already given over the phone. The practitioner will ask a number of questions in order to find out what is important to you in relation to having a good life and remaining independent within your home and community. The practitioner will also explore what is currently going well and what isn’t working and needs to change.
Finally, the appointment will conclude with a short action plan with a list of who is going to do what (some these actions may need to be done by you). You will be provided with a copy of the recorded paperwork and the council will keep a copy in case you need to get back in contact in the future.
For some people, it will be necessary to carry out a more detailed assessment of your needs. This will help to draw conclusions about whether you require additional support. These decisions are guided by The Care Act (2014) which helps to provide direction regarding your access to further support. This will add to your action plan which will be created and agreed in partnership with the practitioner that you meet with.
For some people, it will be necessary to carry out a more detailed assessment of your needs. This assessment will help to draw conclusions about whether you require additional support. These decisions are guided by The Care Act (2014) which helps to provide direction regarding your eligibility to further support. This will add to your action plan which will be created and agreed in partnership with the practitioner that you meet with.
Carers Assessment
If you receive support from family or friends, you may wish to consider having a combined assessment which will capture not only your needs but also the needs of your carer which may arise as a result of them providing you with necessary support. Alternatively, a carer may wish to arrange for their own assessment to occur independently. This type of assessment usually occurs at a Let’s Talk Local venue but can also be arranged to happen over the phone.
Our mission
Putting you and your loved ones at the heart of these conversations is crucial to understanding your requirements and the outcomes you wish to achieve. We do this by applying a well-rounded approach to examining not only how your needs affect you but also the impact of your needs on family members or others in your support network.
Your future
We recognise that you may have needs that change. With this in mind you will be provided with a review appointment where necessary, in order to ensure that your initial plan is still working well for you.
For more information visit Shropshire Choices on our website
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