Shropshire Council

Examination calendar

This page will contain information on key dates in the examination process, any schedules and/or agendas for any hearing sessions and latest news and updates.

Latest news and updates

Latest news and updates on the examination of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) will be documented below (in reverse chronological order - most recent date first).

Date Description
24 July 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

11 July 2024

Representations submitted to the consultation on the additional material prepared in response to the Planning Inspectors' interim findings have now been published.

The Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

8 July 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

7 May 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

25 April 2024

To inform the examination of the draft Shropshire Local Plan, the Planning Inspectors have requested that Shropshire Council undertake a public consultation on the following documents:

Therefore, a six-week consultation focused on these documents will be undertaken. This consultation will run from 25 April 2024 until 11 June 2024. Any response must be submitted and received by Shropshire Council by 5pm on 11 June 2024.

Please note, the purpose of this consultation is to seek views from all parties on these four documents. This consultation is not inviting comments on other aspects of the draft Shropshire Local Plan.

For more information on this consultation and to access the consultation response forms please see our Get Involved section page.

The documents listed above have been added to the examination library, along with:

20 March 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

ID39 - Inspectors' response to GC43 - Council's letter of 21 Feb 24

The secretary of state has appointed Inspector Elaine Worthington MTP MUED MRTPI IHBC to examine the Shropshire Local Plan with Inspectors Louise Crosby and Nick Palmer.

22 February 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

31 January 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

18 January 2024

The Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

Please note, the Inspectors are not inviting comments from representors to these letters.

17 November 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

5 October 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

Please note, the Inspectors are not inviting comments from any representors to this letter.

3 October 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

25 September 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

23 August 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

2 August 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

The Inspectors are not accepting comments on these documents at this stage and will write out to the council shortly.

12 Jully 2023

Shropshire Council’s proposed response to ID28 – the Planning Inspectors Interim Findings and many of the supporting documents that have informed this response are to be considered by Shropshire Council's cabinet on 19 July. Subject to this, the response will be formally submitted to the planning inspectors shortly after.

A link to the agenda and supporting documents can be found on our Committee Services website (see item 12).

Subject to the decision reached at this cabinet meeting, the council’s response (including the material considered by cabinet on 19 July and other relevant supporting material) will be formally provided to the planning inspectors shortly afterwards.

6 July 2023

The Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

12 June 2023

Please be advised that the following documents have been added to the Examination Library:

The Inspectors are not accepting any comments on these documents at this stage.

4 May 2023

The hearing due to be heard on Thursday 4 May 2023 will no longer take place as all agenda items were heard in the hearing session held on Wednesday 3 May 2023.

24 April 2023

If you wish to observe the Shropshire Local Plan Minerals and Waste Policies hearings, please follow the links below:

Local Plan Examination – Minerals and Waste Hearings - Wednesday, 3 May, 2023 9:30am

Local Plan Examination – Minerals and Waste Hearings - Thursday, 4 May, 2023 9:30am

A recording of the hearings will be made available in the Hearing Recordings section of the Examination Stage Documents page.

24 April 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

18 April 2023

Please be advised that the agenda for the Minerals and Waste Policies Hearing Session has now been published and is available below and in the Hearing Documents section of our Examination Stage Documents page...

MWPA Agenda Minerals and Waste Policies Hearing Session

11 April 2023

Hearing statements for the Minerals and Waste Policies hearing sessions have been added to the Hearing Documents section of the Examination stage documents webpage. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that their submissions have been recorded correctly and contact the Programme Officer immediately with any queries.

3 April 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

31 March 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

10 March 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents: 

6 March 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents: 

If you haven't received a copy of ID31 and you believe you should have done, please contact the programme officer immediately. Email:

15 February 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document: ID28 Inspectors' Interim Findings letter 15 Feb 2023

17 January 2023

If you wish to observe the Shropshire Local Plan Additional Duty To Cooperate hearing, please follow this link: Shropshire Local Plan Examination Additional Duty to Cooperate Hearing - YouTube

A recording of this hearing will be made available in the Hearing Recordings section of the Examination Stage Documents page.

16 January 2023

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

9 January 2023

Please be advised that the agenda for the Additional Duty to Cooperate Hearing has now been published and is available below and in the Hearing Documents section of Examination Stage Documents:

Also, the draft hearing programme for the Additional Duty to Cooperate Hearing has been updated and can be found below and in the Examination Stage Documents:

20 December 2022 Hearing statements for the Additional Duty to Cooperate hearing have been added to the Hearing Documents section of the Examination stage documents webpage. Those who have made submissions should carefully check that their submissions have been recorded correctly and contact the Programme Officer immediately with any queries.
8 December 2022  Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:  
3 November 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

A copy of this letter has been sent to those that participated in and/or submitted statements for Matter 2 – Duty to Cooperate.

The examination hearing to further consider Duty to Cooperate, will commence at 9.30am on 17 January 2023 and may continue on 18 January 2023. The hearing will take place virtually. Only those who submitted a matter 2 statement and/or took part in the matter 2 hearing session in July this year will be permitted to submit a statement and/or take part in this hearing session.

If you wish to observe this session, a link to a Teams Live event will be placed on the examination website in due course, enabling you to observe a live stream of this session.”

1 November 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

26 October 2022   

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

20 October 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following document:

This document contains an alteration from OD003 and replaces that document.

10 October 2022 Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:
5 October 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

  • GC18 - Council's Response to ID21
27 September 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

  • ID21 Inspectors' Response to Council's Duty to Cooperate letter
  • ID22 Nutrient Neutrality letter
22 September 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with the following documents:

  • GC14 - Shropshire Council Response to ID17 Duty to Cooperate - Covering Letter
  • GC15 - Schedule Summarising Key Engagement Activity with Adjoining and Closely Related Local Planning Authorities
  • GC15a - Association of Black Country Authorities Appendices
  • GC15b - Cheshire East Council Appendices
  • GC15c - Cheshire West and Chester Council Appendices
  • GC15d - Herefordshire Council Appendices
  • GC15e - Malvern Hills District Council Appendices
  • GC15f - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council Appendices
  • GC15g - Powys County Council Appendices
  • GC15h - South Staffordshire District Council Appendices
  • GC15i - Stafford Borough Council Appendices
  • GC15j - Telford & Wrekin Council Appendices
  • GC15k - Wrexham County Borough Council Appendices
  • GC15l - Wyre Forest District Council Appendices
  • GC16 - Correspondence Regarding Nutrient Neutrality in the Clun Catchment
  • GC16a - Appendix 1 DLUHC Nutrient Neutrality Scheme Letter 21.07.22
  • GC17 - Shropshire Council Response to ID20

The Inspectors are not inviting responses from representatives at this stage. However, their further instruction on this matter will be provided in due course.

8 September 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID20 Inspectors' Letter Mineral and Waste Policies 2 Sept 2022

16 August 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with GC13 - Council's response to ID18 - Inspectors' Letter - Mineral and Waste Policies

9 August 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID19 Inspectors' response to GC12.

5 August 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with GC12 - Timeframe for Response to ID17.

2 August 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID18 Inspectors' Letter - Minerals and Waste Policies. The Inspectors are not inviting responses from representors at this stage.

26 July 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID17 Inspectors' Post stage 1 hearings letter - DtC.

The Inspectors are not inviting responses from anyone else, other than the Council, to this letter.

13 July 2022

Please be advised that the council has responded to "ID13 Inspectors' Initial Questions - Minerals and Waste Policies". The Examination Library has been updated with:

12 July 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with:

11 July 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID8b Revised Draft Timetable for Week 2 of the hearing sessions for Stage 1.

11 July 2022

Urgent update - All of the hearings this week will take place virtually. Please see below for more details.

Over the weekend a number of people that were present at the face to face hearings have tested positive for Covid. It's been decided by the inspectors, in consultation with the council, that the only responsible thing to do given this change in circumstances, is to hold the hearings this week virtually using Microsoft Teams.

This will take time to organise so please don't contact the Programme Officer (PO) unless it's urgent as she'll be extremely busy organising the virtual events.  All of the people who've been notified that they're eligible to appear this week will receive an invite to the virtual meeting via email. You'll receive a different e-mail for different sessions if you're due to appear at more than one. Emails may not all arrive on the same day as the PO will be working through them in priority order eg Tuesday’s session first. Those wishing to observe the sessions will be able to do so by following a link on the examination website for each session. In addition, the virtual sessions will be recorded and placed on the examination website in due course. 

Matter 3 update 
Also, the inspectors were unable to get through all of the agenda items for Matter 3 held Thursday 7 July, as they considered that it was more important that they fully considered all of the items on the agenda and allowed all participants to exercise their right to be heard during the hearing session. The outstanding items on the agenda which are still to be considered are numbers 20-25.  It was agreed at the end of the day on Thursday that matter 3 would be concluded at a virtual hearing session on Friday 15 July, beginning at 9:30am. Those plans currently remain the same.  Persons who are eligible to appear at matter 3 eg those listed on the programme as a participant for the afternoon session of Matter 3 will be sent an invite to the meeting in due course.  As set out above, those wishing to observe will be able to do so by following a link on the examination website and again the session will be recorded and uploaded to the examination website. 

Matter 7 and 8 update 
The change to Friday’s programme has resulted in a couple of other changes to the agenda. Firstly, matter 5 will be dealt with after matter 3 on Friday, in a virtual manner also.  Secondly, Matter 8 will now commence immediately after matter 7 on Thursday morning and will be dealt with in totality on Thursday.  

Please continue to check this latest news page for further updates.

7 July 2022 The hearing sessions are being recorded and are able to be viewed under 'Hearing recordings' on the Examination stage documents webpage.
3 July 2022 GC8 Supplementary Site Assessments to address Historic England's concerns and GC9 Overview of Shrewsbury Strategic Employment Development Options Assessment are available to view in Council Documents in the Examination Stage Documents page.
30 June 2022

The agendas for the hearing sessions have now been published. Please note that the Inspectors will be adhering strictly to their agenda for each hearing session. These can be found on the Examination Stage Documents page under Hearing Documents in their respective Matters.

30 June 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID12b Revised Draft Stage 1 hearing sessions draft programme. If you're listed on the programme please check that you're recorded correctly and let the Programme Officer know immediately if you're not. Only those listed as speakers will be permitted to take part in the debate. However, all sessions are open to observe, space permitting.

Further updates to the hearing programme, if required, will be available on this page. It's the responsibility of interested parties to check the latest timetable and to ensure that they're present at the correct time.

The sessions will be filmed and later uploaded to the Examination webpages. If you have any issues with being recorded please contact the Programme Officer in advance.

28 June 2022

Shropshire Council have been granted an extension to reply to ID13 Inspectors' Initial Questions - Minerals and Waste Policies with a new response date of 8 July 2022.

17 June 2022


ID15 Programme Officer correspondence to Representors has been added to Examination Stage Documents

16 June 2022

The council’s response to ID14 has been received. The Inspectors are not inviting written submissions on either document. However, the issues raised will form part of the agenda for Matter 1 and therefore participants may wish to familiarise themselves with them

14 June 2022

Please be advised that the Examination Library has been updated with ID8a Revised Draft Timetable for the Stage 1 hearing sessions and ID12a Revised Stage 1 hearing sessions draft programme. Please carefully check these documents as there have been changes to the dates and times of some hearing sessions. Only those listed as speakers will be permitted to take part in the debate, however all sessions are open to observe, space permitting.

Further updates to the hearing programme, if required, will be available on this page. It is the responsibility of interested parties to check the latest timetable and to ensure that they are present at the correct time. 

Please note that the Inspectors will be adhering strictly to their agenda for each hearing session. Agendas for the week will normally be made available on the examination website by noon on the Friday before the start of each week’s proceedings. 

On request from the Inspectors the council will be filming the sessions, although this will not be live streamed. The intention is for the sessions to be uploaded as quickly as possible to the Examination Library webpages, and preferably on the evening of each session. If you have any issues with being recorded please contact the Programme Officer in advance:

13 June 2022

The Secretary of State has appointed Inspector Nick Palmer BA (Hons) BPI MRTPI in respect of the minerals and waste aspect of the Shropshire Local Plan examination. Inspectors Louise Crosby and Carole Dillon will continue to examine the remainder of the plan. GC6 - Appointment of Inspector for Minerals and Waste Policies is now available on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

8 June 2022

The Inspectors have written to the Local Planning Authority re Legal Compliance – Statement of Community Involvement (ID14) to respond by the 15 June 2022.The Inspectors are not inviting a response from representors to this letter, but those appearing at the Matter 1 hearing session, who have previously expressed concerns about the consultation process will be able to comment on any new evidence submitted by the Council as a result of this letter verbally at the Matter 1 hearing session.

7 June 2022

Statements of Common Ground have been added to the Examination Stage Documents Page

6 June 2022

The Inspectors' Initial Questions - Minerals and Waste Policies were issued to the Local Planning Authority (ID13)

27 May 2022

ID12 Stage 1 hearing sessions draft programme has been published. The Programme Officer will be writing to all representors shortly regarding the progression of the examination.


26 May 2022

Shropshire Council has now appointed Kerry Trueman as the Programme Officer (PO)  for the examination of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038), to assist with its organisation and administration and her contact details are: 


  • Kerry Trueman - Programme Officer Solutions Limited
  • Phone: 07582 310364
  • Email:
  • Address: Pendragon House, 1 Bertram Drive, Meols, Wirral CH47 0LG

 Please note that any postal hearing statements should be now sent to this new address. The PO intends to shortly write out to all those that made representations in response to the Regulation 19 consultation.

25 April 2022

GC4y River Clun Phosphate Calculator

21 April 2022

GC4x Duty to Cooperate ‐ Statement of Common Ground National Highways - EV023

20 April 2022

OD002 Natural England Water Quality and Nutrient Neutrality and associated documents (OD002a-OD002g) have been added to 'Examination stage documents' page.

19 April 2022

ID11 acknowledgement re outstanding documents

13 April 2022

Additional MIQs, guidance note and draft timetable docs available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

12 April 2022

Additional and updated GC4 and GC5 responses, available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

7 April 2022

Additional GC4 responses, available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

28 March 2022

Additional GC4 responses, available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

28 March 2022

ID5 - WMS nutrient levels letter to council

25 February 2022

ID4 Inspectors' holding response to ID1 and ID2 November and December 2021 - February 2022

18 February 2022

OD001 Historic England Correspondence (SHR166) added to 'Examination stage documents' page.

11 February 2022

GC4 Shropshire Council Response to ID1 and ID2 and associated documents submitted to the Planning Inspectors in response to their Initial Questions ID1 and ID2. The associated documents are available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

15 December 2021

ID3 Inspectors' Response to GC3 - Dec 2021

10 December 2021

Shropshire Council Response to ID2 (GC3)

26 November 2021

Inspectors' further initial questions (ID2)

12 November 2021

Shropshire Council response to the Inspectors' initial questions - November 2021 (GC2)

4 November 2021

The Inspectors' initial questions were issued to the Local Planning Authority to respond to (ID1).

1 November 2021

The introductory letter regarding the examination was sent to interested parties (GC1).

3 September 2021

Date of submission of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) for examination.

15 July 2021

The decision to submit the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) for examination was made at the meeting of the full Council on the 15 July 2021.

Key dates

Key dates for the examination of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) will be documented below (in reverse chronological order - most recent date first).

Copies of any documents referred to below are linked in the text and can also be found on the Examination Stage Documents page.

Date Description

27 May 2022

ID12 Stage 1 hearing sessions draft programme has been published. The Programme Officer will be writing to all representors shortly regarding the progression of the examination.

26 May 2022

Shropshire Council has now appointed Kerry Trueman as the Programme Officer (PO)  for the examination of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038), to assist with its organisation and administration and her contact details are: 


  • Kerry Trueman - Programme Officer Solutions Limited
  • Phone: 07582 310364
  • Email:
  • Address: Pendragon House, 1 Bertram Drive, Meols, Wirral CH47 0LG

 Please note that any postal hearing statements should be now sent to this new address. The PO intends to shortly write out to all those that made representations in response to the Regulation 19 consultation.

25 April 2022

GC4y River Clun Phosphate Calculator

21 April 2022

GC4x Duty to Cooperate ‐ Statement of Common Ground National Highways - EV023

20 April 2022

OD002 Natural England Water Quality and Nutrient Neutrality and associated documents (OD002a-OD002g) have been added to 'Examination stage documents' page.

19 April 2022

ID11 acknowledgement re outstanding documents

13 April 2022

Additional MIQs, guidance note and draft timetable docs available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

12 April 2022

Additional and updated GC4 and GC5 responses, available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

7 April 2022

Additional GC4 responses, available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

28 March 2022

Additional GC4 responses, available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

28 March 2022

ID5 - WMS nutrient levels letter to council

25 February 2022

ID4 Inspectors' holding response to ID1 and ID2 November and December 2021 - February 2022

18 February 2022

OD001 Historic England Correspondence (SHR166) added to 'Examination stage documents' page.

11 February 2022

GC4 Shropshire Council Response to ID1 and ID2 and associated documents submitted to the Planning Inspectors in response to their Initial Questions ID1 and ID2. The associated documents are available to view on the 'Examination stage documents' page.

15 December 2021

ID3 Inspectors' Response to GC3 - Dec 2021

10 December 2021

Shropshire Council Response to ID2 (GC3)

26 November 2021

Inspectors' further initial questions (ID2)

12 November 2021

Shropshire Council response to the Inspectors' initial questions - November 2021 (GC2)

4 November 2021

The Inspectors' initial questions were issued to the Local Planning Authority to respond to (ID1).

1 November 2021

The introductory letter regarding the examination was sent to interested parties (GC1).

3 September 2021

Date of submission of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) for examination.

15 July 2021

The decision to submit the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) for examination was made at the meeting of the full Council on the 15 July 2021.

Hearings schedule

Any schedules and/or agendas for any hearing sessions will be documented below once confirmed.

  • 2 May 2022 - deadline to confirm with the PO whether you wish to exercise your right to appear at an examination hearing session
  • 13 May 2022 - deadline for submission of statements of common ground
  • 1 June 2022 - deadline for submission of hearing statements and any appendices by email
  • 3 June 2020 – deadline for receipt of paper copies of statements (in addition to emailed statements)
  • 5 July 2022 - hearing sessions begin
  • 16 December 2022 - deadline for submission of hearing statements and any appendices by email
  • 19 December 2022 – deadline for receipt of paper copies of statements (in addition to emailed statements)
  • 17 January 2023 - Additional Duty to Cooperate hearing
  • 18 January 2023 - Reserve day for Additional Duty to Cooperate hearing
  • 17 March 2023 - Deadline to confirm with the PO whether you wish to exercise your right to appear at Mineral and Waste Policies hearing session
  • 31 March 2023 - Deadline for submission of statements of common ground
  • 6 April 2023 - Deadline for submission of Mineral and Waste Policies hearing statements and any appendices by e-mail to PO
  • 12 April 2023 – Deadline for receipt of 2 paper copies of Mineral and Waste Policies statements (in addition to emailed statements) to PO
  • 3 May 2023 - Mineral and Waste Policies Hearing sessions begin
  • 16 August 2024 - Deadline to advise me which matter, issues and questions you wish to speak at
  • 30 August 2024 - Deadline for the submission of statements of common ground
  • 20 September 2024 - Deadline for the submission of electronic hearing statements to the Programme Officer
  • 24 September 2024 - Deadline for the receipt of postal hearing statements (3 copies) to the Programme Officer
  • 15 October 2024 - Date of first hearing. For subsequent hearing dates, please refer to the Draft Timetable.