Shropshire Council

Best Start for Life

Best Start for Life logo

If you are pregnant or have a child under five years old, then we would love you to join us for our Best Start for Life event on Friday 27 October, at The Lantern, Shrewsbury, SY1 4NG. 10am-4pm

Find out what services are currently on offer for Shropshire families with young children, and let us know what support you would like to see in the future.

You are welcome to drop-in at any point during the day, or join us for one (or all!) of the talks and planned activities.

A time lapse illustration showing a woman in the early, middle and late stages of pregnancy and then after she has had the baby.

Here's what is going on:

Public Health Nursing Service - Shropshire Community NHS Trust

10am - 12 noon

Healthy Child Programme

Find out what Health Visitors and Family Nurses do, and how they can help your family. Includes a chance to ask your questions.

12 noon - 1pm

Take Action Today

The launch of Shropshire's new Child Safety Campaign called Take Action Today.


Introducing solid foods

An illustration of a happy baby, trying solid foods.

Weaning your child can be a nerve wracking time. When should you start? How should you go about it? Our experienced Health Visitors are here with up-to-date information and advice to help build your confidence.


School readiness session

Starting school is a major milestone for your child. There are lots of things you can do at home to help them prepare.

The Big Bottle Campaign

Head over to the Main Hall to visit The Healthy Smile Team who will giving away free-flow cups and offering oral health advice. Find out the benefits of switching from a bottle or valved beaker, to a free-flow cup for your baby or toddler.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue

Shropshire’s Fire and Rescue service will be in the Main Hall providing home fire safety advice. There may even be a special visit from a fire engine!

Interactive play activities suitable for toddlers - school aged children

Our Early Help services will be running some fun activities in the Main Hall.

Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC)

Parents and Carers of children with a disability or additional need can visit PACC, who will be available all day in the Lantern Library. PACC would like to hear how the Best Start for Life Offer could be developed for SEND families.

Shropshire Council’s Family Information Service and Shropshire's SEND Local Offer will also be available to chat too.

Calm space

There will be a calm space room available for anyone who needs a break from the noise and activity in the main hall.

Infant feeding and baby friendly space

A big thank you to the Lantern Library who are providing a quieter space for small babies and their parents or carers, with a seating area for infant feeding, or just to take time to enjoy all that the library has to offer! Shropshire’s Breastfeeding Network will also be in the library to promote their face-to-face support groups.

Shropshire Libraries Logo Shropshire Breastfeeding Network logo

Plus lots of other fantastic services including:

and much more!

A mother looking proudly on as her daughter takes her first steps.