Shropshire Council

How is supported living different from residential care?

People who live in a Supported Living property have control over the support they get, who they live with (if anyone) and how they live their lives. They are able to make choices about how to live their lives, or be supported to do so.

What it means for you:

  • I choose who I live with
  • I choose where I live
  • I have my own home
  • I choose how I am supported
  • I choose who supports me
  • I get good support
  • I choose my friends and relationships
  • I choose how to be healthy and safe
  • I choose how to take part in my community
  • I have the same rights and responsibilities as others
  • I get help to make changes in my life if I need it

How is the accommodation different from residential care?

Supported living

Residential care

I have my own secure home which can be

  • Privately owned
  • As a Tenant
  • As an occupier with a Licence

I have a room with no Security of Tenure.

I have a right to have choices about who provides my support, and can change support arrangements without moving home or move home without changing support arrangements.

Support is provided as part of a package with housing and either element cannot be changed without impacting on the other.

I have a right to choose who I live with, if anyone

Occupants are usually well matched, but I may have to live with people that I do not choose to live with.

I can choose my own activities. Things I like to do.

Activities are often group based and not individual

I have rights to full welfare benefits including:

  • Housing benefit
  • Income support
  • Disability living allowance

In residential care I will have limited amounts of welfare benefits. Most people will have a total residential care allowance of approximately £20 per week to purchase personal belongings, clothes and holidays.

I can access Direct Payments, Personal Budgets, and apply for welfare benefits relevant to me

Cannot access most additional funding for support.

I can see my friends and family when I want to

I can only see my friends and family when the care home say